Article – about the 7th Artist’s Book Triennial 2015

There is no mistaking in the works of professsionals

By Jurgita Sprindziuniene


Yuko Wada, Japan

Topic of the 7th International Artist’s Book Triennial in Vilnius named “Error” was meant to suggest experiments and freedom. The curator of the exhibition, Prof.  Kestutis Vasiliunas, sought encouraging new and unexpected turns of artistic creation. Some of the artists grasped the idea, but many did not care much to adopt the concept of the organizer and just followed their own insights. However, this has not led to anything like eccentricity, or some loss of professional quality, – rather, conversely, the selected works have met the highest artistic standards, demonstrated earnest endeavours of the authors and intolerance of professional “errors”.

Please, read more text about the Triennial with 43 photos







Schedule of the “7th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015″:
2015 March 12–15, Leipzig Book Fair, Germany;
2015 September 5–19, “Museo Leone”, Vercelli, Italy; info;
2015 October 22 – November 21, Gallery “Titanikas”, Vilnius, Lithuania;
2016 January 16-17, “11. Norddeutsche Handpressenmesse BuchDruckKunst”, Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Germany – Confirmed;
2016 July 30 – August 27, “The Cole Art Center”, Nacogdoches, TX 75961, U.S.A. – Confirmed;

Organiser of the Triennial:
Circle “Bokartas”.

Curator of the Triennial:
Kestutis Vasiliunas

In Cooperation with:
Vilnius Academy of Arts, Graphic department, Vilnius, Lithuania;
Gallery “Globus”, Leipzig, Germany;
Città di Vercelli, Italia;
Gallery “Titanikas”, Vilnius, Lithuania;
BuchDruckKunst e.V., Hamburg, Germany;
“The Cole Art Center”, Nacogdoches, U.S.A.

Main Sponsor:
Lithuanian Council for Culture