Artist’s Book Chief in Austria – Toni Kurz


Toni near the piano

Visiting Toni Kurz in Austria

On the road back to Vilnius from Austrian Alps we have visited famous artist’s book curator, friend of artist, man of culture – Toni Kurz and his wife Christa. They have made for us wonderful evening in beautiful house-museum. Nice to meet such people who spent all life for artist’s books, to talk with them, to see the collection of the artist’s books.


Supper in the night

He many years was working in Horn promoting artist’s books and artists with the “International Artist’s Book Biennial Horn” in  Kunstverein Horn in Austria.


Toni and Roberta

Here, in Horn Artist’s Book Workshop in 1994 I started my artist’s book activity. So this place is special for me, where is always nice to return.


Kestutis, Toni, Christa and Agota

In the morning Christa packed for our journey some food, Toni gave bottle of good French wine.

Photos from the last 13rd Artist’s Book Biennial in Horn.

Photos of Roberta