10th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 in Vilnius Closed



10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 

Theme: “To Be


Thanks to our good friends at the National Museum of Lithuania, the exhibition, which has been organized for two years, was closed. The “10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024” in the Museum of Applied Arts and Design in Vilnius, Lithuania was exhibited only 2 weeks: from 24th May – 9th June, 2024.

Museum, after the Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2024...

Museum, after the Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024…

It is not difficult to exhibit a Picasso in a museum, he is a good artist for everyone, which is very strange. It is more difficult to understand what an artist’s book is today. It’s easy to work with dead and established artists, whatever they are. It is significantly more difficult to work with living artists and help them achieve global recognition. But also, much more interesting.

So, if our “friends” think they have won, they are terribly mistaken. Not understanding “artist’s books” as an art object, as an art is not a sin, so we forgive them. In 2018, we met a similar attitude of ignorance and low education at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in Vilnius, when we exhibited the “8th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018” there, when their young manager suggested hanging something on the wall in the exhibition space to make the exhibition more beautiful… It was the National Library!

If “artist’s book” lovers in Vilnius did not have time to see this exhibition in the museum, we invite them to come to the Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library in September, where the exhibition will be on display for the whole month, until October 7, where the librarians of the small town happily invite us. Thank you, we will come.

Time: 2024 September 6 – October 7
Location: The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania



Curator of the Project prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas
General Director of the Artist’s Book Museum Vilnius



© Circle “Bokartas”, Artist’s Book Museum Vilnius
© Artist’s Book Creators 2024