10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024
Theme of the Triennial: “To Be”
Open call for international artists
On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary, we decided to award one Main Prize to the best artist’s book of the Triennial – 1000 euros
The “10th International Artist’s Books Triennial Vilnius 2024” is a unique non-commercial cultural project.
The purpose of the Artist’s Books Triennial is to promote artist’s books, creators of artist’s books from all over the world; to connect in one big art family galleries, publishers, editors and printers of fine art & limited editions, the greater general public, collectors and individual artists.
The 10th Artist’s Books Triennial is a big international art project with artist’s book exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, artist’s book conference in Vilnius and artist’s book workshops.
During 26 years from the 1st International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 1997, we have done 9 international artist’s book triennials to which 911 artists from 68 countries were selected for the exhibitions. The Triennials were exhibited not only in Lithuania, but also in Salzburg (Austria), Lille (France), Leipzig, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Rheine (Germany), Venice, Vercelli, Urbino (Italy), Seoul (South Korea), Halmstad (Sweden), Silkeborg (Denmark), Evanston and Fredonia (US).
Over the 26 years, we did more than 50 international artist’s book exhibitions, workshops, symposiums and lectures in Lithuania, Germany, Austria, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France and US.
History of the Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius
Time & Location:
2024 March 21-24 – Leipzig Book Fair, IAKH: Globus Galerie + Edition Lebensretter, Germany.
2024 March 27 – April 13, Gallery SG, “Scuola Internazionale di Grafica“, Venice, Italy.
2024 May-June – Exhibition and International Artist’s Book Conference in the “Museum of Applied Arts and Design”, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2025 Spring – The Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, US.
2025 Spring – Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia, US.
Time & Location: 2024-2025, we plane to show the “10th Artist’s Book Triennial” in Lithuania, Germany, Italy, the US and other countries. We are working on it. We will inform you about the exact dates of the exhibition in Vilnius and abroad.
Deadline: 15th of November, 2023.
Main Prize: 1000 Eur
Application: Each artist may submit only one artist’s book.
International Jury:
Prof. Timothy Frerichs, US
Dr. Rasa Januleviciute, Lithuania
Artist Hanne Matthiesen, Denmark
Ass. Prof. em PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet, Norway
Artist Roberta Vaigeltaite-V., Lithuania
Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas, Lithuania
Organiser: Circle “Bokartas” & Artist‘s Book Museum
Curator: Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas
In Cooperation with:
The Lithuanian National Museum of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania.
IAKH: Globus Galerie + Edition Lebensretter, Leipzig, Germany.
Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia, US.
The Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, US.
“Scuola Internazionale di Grafica”, Venice, Italy.
The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania.
© Circle “Bokartas”
© Artist’s Book Creators 2023