Lithuanian Artist‘s Book Exhibition in Plungė


Lithuanian Artist‘s Book Exhibition in Plungė 2022


Time: Summer 2022
Location: The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania

In 2022 we planned to make the Lithuanian Artist’s Book Exhibition. And to show it in Leipzig Book Fair and in the Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania.

And we got two bad news.

The first is – the Leipzig Book Fair was cancelled this year.

The second – we didn’t get support from Lithuanian Council for Culture, as Council for Culture is not interested in Lithuanian artist’s book creators…

But we plane to make this exhibition anyway. So, this Summer we will make the exhibition in Plunge. For the Lithuanian Artist’s Book Exhibition in Leipzig Book Fair in 2022 we look for support.

“In 2012 The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library began a new life, due to the fact that the library was moved to a reconstructed castle with a clock tower and adjacent greenhouse. The library building is a state protected cultural heritage site complete with restored mid-19th century clock mechanism and a very rare and well preserved example of a 19th century orangery. The clock tower, and now the library are part of the ensemble of Duke Mykolas Oginskis’ estate which is located in the city park. This Ducal ensemble is very important and significant in both a cultural, social and natural sense not only for the city but for the country as a whole”.

Curator of the exhibition Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas

Not a Sponsor: Lithuanian Council for Culture don’t support the Lithuanian artist’s book creators.


© Artist’s Book Creators 2022