Your Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the wonderful students that I still miss!!!
Davida Kidd / Canada

Mit Mut und Entdeckerfreude ins neue Jahr
– ein glückliches und erfolgreiches 2019! Herzlich,
Gerhild Ebel / Germany

Happy new year to you from China.
Best regards to all your family.
Zhao Jiachun / China

Wishing you many wonderful steps in 2019!
Liz Ingram and Bernd Hildebrandt / Canada

Happy new year! And all the best wishes to your family in 2019!
Xiofei Li / China

You know how much Christmas means for me, in my own way. I am deeply grateful that Ludi and I had our Christmas this year after all…
Wish you all the very very best way out of 2018 and in to 2019!
Love you all forever,
Joop (Joseph Johannes Visser) / The Netherlands

All the best for a Happy New Year for you and your family.
Best greetings from Barcelona,
Maria Pilar Roca Argelagós / Republic of Korea

All best für the next Year.
Gladly I think back to the Triennale and that was allowed to be participiant.
Best regards
Johann Maierhofer / Germany

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ana Thiel / Mexico

Now I wish you a Happy New Year!
All the best!
Gerd Ulander / Sweden

Season’s Greetings and wishes of a New Year worth remembering!
Hanji Saeko / Japan

Thank you both for the lovely wishes. The same to you and Roberta, lots of art and happiness for 2019!
With warm regards,
Celeste and Bob / Portugal

Sono felice che ci rivedremo presto alla Scuola, con la mostra dei libri.
Auguri e buon 2019,
Matilde Dolceti / Italia

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.
Wishing you all the best for you and your family for the New Year, 2019.
Best greetings from Australia!
Katherine Marmaras / Australia

All the best to you and your family!
Have a great and creative New Year!
Greetings from Arizona,
Beata Wehr / USA

Many good wishes for you for 2019!
We will have the year of the earth  PIG!
I wish you well for all the different kinds of New Year.
Aliza Thomas / The Netherlands

Auguri anche a voi, sempre cari amici!!
Giuliano Santini / Italia

Warm regards,
Claire Jeanine Satin / USA

Thank you very much. I hoped you have a Good Christmas, and I wish a Happy New Year 2019,with Peace, Love and much wealth.
Big hug and best regards Miriam Rodrigues / Portugal

Thank you for your good wisehes
we too wish you a happy, healthy und kreativ new year with all the best .
Toni+Christa Kurz / Austria

Wishing You a very Merry Christmas and a meaningful New Year.
Sending sunshine from Miami.
Ania Gilmore / USA

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you very soon!
Ryuta Endo / Japan

Срећан Божић и Нова година
Dimitrije Pecic / Serbia

Have a very happy new year and a nice trip to Japan!
Best regards,
Toshi, Yuko and Haru / Japan

So beautiful you find time to sending a greeting on the very Christmas evening!
I also wish for Love! Faith! Peace! Freedom!
Happy Christmas to you and your family!
Hanne Matthiesen / Denmark

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas.
I hope everything will be good and happy for you, also for your family in new year.
See you in Tokyo soon.
Toshiya Takahama / Japan

Merry Christmas. We were in Florida and yesterday Helmut had a concert in Cologne. He is in a choir.
Helmut und Christina Zuber / Germany

All the best dear Kestutis – joy, peace and fulfillement!
Krassimira and Dadi / Switzerland

Lieber Kestutis,
wir senden gute Wünsche
für eine frohe Weihnachtszeit
und ein schönes Neues Jahr
Herzliche Grüße
Jost Braun / Germany

We wish you all relaxing Christmas time and rewarding New Year.
Jukka, Anna-Leena and Naoji / Finland

Thank you for your interest and support during the year
and wish you a festive Christmas and a healthy and safe New Year
David Forrest and Jánis Nedéla / Australia

All best wishes for 2019!
Katriona SW Persson / Sweden

And another 365 days ahead of us. We must deal with them!
Good luck, let’s support each other in this challenge.
Happy New Year 2019!
Hanna Haska / Poland

Dear artist friends,
I send you my very best wishes for a Happy New Year 2019. May the new year bring you lots of love, health, prosperity and happiness.
With best regards from Iceland,
Val (Valgerdur) Hauksdóttir / Iceland

It’s always nice to hear from you.
I also wish you and your family a healthy, wonderful, peaceful New Year and all the best.
And good luck for your work
Brigitte Gmachreich-Jünemann / Germany

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019!
Modhir Ahmed / Iraq, Sweden

Liebe Freunde –
angeheftet findet Ihr meinen Jahresbericht 2018 – falls er den Flug durchs Cyberspace glücklich übersteht …
Mit herzlichen Grü3en von Eurem
Niels Bach / Denmark

I wish you and your family all the best and a happy new year!
Greetings from Germany, Christina Sauer

Happy and successful new year! Best,
Gerhild Ebel / Germany

Dear Kestutis Vasiliunas,
Merci pour tout ce travail merveilleux,
vous êtes très doué pour autant de succès
Catherine Bolle / Switzerland

Happy New Year!
And thank you very much!
Margot Fagan / Canada

Carissimo Kestutis,
Grazieeeee di tutto!
Auguri si Buone Feste natalizie a te e famiglia.
Un saluto
Silvia Lepore / Italia

Festive end of the year and a successful new year to you!
Rene Haljasmäe / Estonia

I visited last time in Lithuania the
church with the picture of the Madonna. Thank you so much.
Also for you and your family  HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH HOPE FOR PEACE !
Josephine Tabbert / Germany

–tanti auguri per un buon Natale e un buon anno nuovo. Spero di incontrarla a febbraio. Grazie per l’invito a presto
Mario LoCoco, Italy

I think of Lithuania often and of all the wonderful people I met there; the fantastic students; the beauty of the city. I hope you have a very fine 2019.
Warmest regards,
Brody Neuenschwander / Belgium

Carissimo Kestutis
Grazie e contraccambio con affetto
Ti auguro a te e tutta la tua famiglia un SERENO 2019
Un abbraccio forte
Elisabetta Diamanti / Italia

Best wishes to you and your family for a creative year in 2019.
Kindest regards,
Yuko Wada / Japan

Dear Kestutis,
Greetings from a warm Australia to you and your family for Christmas and New Year.
May your creativity continue to thrive and bring gifts to all of us.
Much love,
Stephen and Merry / Australia

I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!
I hope to meet all together in Vercelli!
see you soon
Loretta Cappanera / Italy

I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, good and peaceful New Year 2019 from the bottom of my heart.
Gerd J. Wunderer / Germany

Thank you and also for you and your family the best. Success, good projects and all you wish.
Uwe Schloen / Germany

Christmas Greetings from David + Annusha

Sophie Verbeek / Switzerland


Thank you very much for all your greetings!


Kestutis Vasiliunas
Chief of the Circle “Bokartas”
Curator of the Artist’s Book Triennials