Visiting Musashino Art University in Tokyo 2018

With Prof. Toshiya Takahama & Prof. Ryuta Endo in the Musashino Art University

Visiting Musashino Art University, Museum & Library


During my stay in Tokyo I was invited by Prof. Ryuta Endo to visit Musashino Art University. It is one of most famous art universities in the world.

In the Musashino Art University I visited the Printmaking Department where with Prof. Ryuta Endo and Prof. Toshiya Takahama we were discussing about our academies, about printmaking situation, artist’s book and about the cooperation projects between our art universities in the future.

More text and photos

Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas
Vilnius Academy of Arts

Main Sponsor of the Travel to Japan: Lithuanian Council for Culture

© Photos: Kestutis Vasiliunas
© Artist’s Book Creators Community