7th Artist’s Book Triennial – Future

7th_Artists-Book-Logo-27th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015

Exhibition theme: “Error” {Mistake} 


Dear Artists, participants of the 7th Artist’s Book Triennial,

we didn’t forget you. We work hard for showing our 7th Artist’s Book Triennial in other spaces. On this time we are discussing about the possibility to show the Triennial in USA, in “The Cole Art Center”, Nacogdoches. Here we have some problems: money and how maybe everybody knows, USA is not in Europe…, or better to say: Europe is not in USA. So here we have art export-import problems.

The Artist’s Book Triennial has to be opened in “The Cole Art Center” on 30 July 2016. Director of the “Centre” chose 30 artist’s books for the Exhibition. Soon we will publish the list of selected artists for the Artist’s Book Exhibition in USA.

The next possibility to show our Artist’s Book Triennial come from China. Now we are discussing with our friends in China about this wonderful possibility to show part of the Triennial there in autumn 2016.

Thank you.

Kestutis Vasiliunas
curator of the Triennial