Logo of the 6th Artist’s Book Triennial “Love” (in Lithuanian language: Love – Meile)
Theme of the Triennial: Love
Dear Friends in Art,
We have pleasure to invite you to visit the “6th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2012″ in Bentlage.
Time: 27 September – 4 November 2012,
Location: Bentlage, Rheine, Germany
The 6th Artist’s Book Triennial” will be exhibited in the “2nd International Printmaking Symposium” in Bentlge, Germany. The Print Symposium has wonderful program with world famous artists, print exhibitions from Dürer till now, workshops and lectures. On Saturday, September 29, 12:00 Kestutis Vasiliunas will make the lecture-presentation about International Artist’s Book Triennials.
If you plane arrive in Bentlage and participate in the “2nd International Printmaking Symposium”, please, contact Mr. Martin Rehkopp or Mr. Knut Willich, for registration or, please, take a look on http://www.snap2012.de/register.html
Mr. Martin Rehkopp
Künstlerischer Leiter
Tel.: ++49 (0) 5971/918481
Mr. Knut Willich
Chairman, Print Association Bentlage e.V.
Bentlager Weg 130, D-48432 Rheine
phone: +49 (0)173 290 2337
fax: +49 (0) 5971 918 499
e-mail: willich56@aol.com
In Cooperation with:
Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania;
Kloster Bentlage gGmbH, Germany;
Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy;
IAKH – Internationale Ausstellung für Künstlerbücher und Handpressendrucke, Leipzig, Germany.
Organiser of the Triennial:
Circle “Bokartas”
Director of the Triennial in Bentlage:
Mr. Martin Rehkopp
Kestutis Vasiliunas
Stiftung zur Förderung von Kloster Bentlage, Germany
The Culture Support Foundation, Lithuania
More info: