Upon returning from the “Rossini Project”

Progetto ROS / Rossini Opera Stampa
Time: 11-25 July 2012
Location: “Laboratorio Kaus”, Giardino Pensile ex monastero di Santa Chiara, Urbino, Italy
Curators: Giuliano Santini and Cecilia Giampaoli

Kestutis Vasiliunas was invited to participate in the “Progetto ROS / Rossini Opera Stampa” in Urbino, Italy.


The invited graphic artist/printmakers were selected from among the most accomplished teachers at top-tier international art academies and institutions. Artists of five different nationalities were invited to participate in the project. How wrote the organisers, each artist had to create the poster specifically dedicated to one of Rossini opera. The poster had to be created and printed using classic printmaking methods such as: intaglio, aquatint, direct techniques, wood or linoleum relief, and letterpress with wood and lead moveable type. The artists involved in the project will be free to use their personal style and artistic sensibilities to interpret Rossini’s music, together with its interwoven narratives, in graphic and textual form.


The finished works will be exhibited in Pesaro at Rossini’s birthplace, the Casa Natale di Giochino Rossini, during the Rossini Opera Festival 2012.

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© Photos: Agota Afra
© Artist’s Book Creators